Alexandra Rodrick

Mezzo-soprano. Based in Berlin.

U.S.-American singer Alexandra Rodrick

is by turns a fiercely dominating force and a deeply sensitive storyteller on and beyond the operatic stage. She has performed Carmen under the baton of Maestro Seiji Ozawa and has distinguished herself as a fearless singing actress with powerful vocal facility in roles such as Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni), Santuzza (Cavalleria rusticana), Angelina (La Cenerentola), Rosina (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Prince Charmant (Cendrillon), and Dido (Dido and Aeneas). She has performed in leading opera houses across the United States, including San Diego Opera, Chautauqua Opera, Wolf Trap Opera, Atlanta Opera, Opera Delaware, and Des Moines Metro Opera, and has appeared in concerts and operas throughout Mexico, Japan, Switzerland, and Germany.This season, Rodrick reprises the role of Carmen with UckerOper Brandenburg, and debuts the role of Juno in Händel’s Semele at the Kammermusiksaal of the Berlin Philharmonic with the Studio Chor Berlin.

Born in Baltimore, based in Berlin, Rodrick completed her studies at the Opera Institute at Boston University and maintains a close collaborative relationship between her communities in New York City and San Diego, California.In addition to performing on traditional opera stages, Rodrick is passionate about genre-defying projects centered around the voice as the centerpiece of theater and storytelling.She is a co-founder of LA CENA È PRONTA, a project exploring the intersection between food and music whose live recital and dinner series connects with audiences outside of the concert hall.

Now Performing


performing as Carmen
Uckeroper Brandenburg
June 5 - September 27, 2024

“Alexandra Rodrick did justice both in the singing and in the portrayal of “Carmen”. Sometimes flatteringly warm, sometimes razor-sharp, her voice penetrated into the heart of her stage partner Don José, who succumbed mercilessly to her charisma.”
Alexandra Rodrick wurde sowohl sängerisch als auch in der Darstellung der „Carmen“ gerecht. Mal schmeichelnd warm, mal messerscharf drang ihre Stimme ins Herz ihres Bühnenpartners Don José, der ihrer Ausstrahlung gnadenlos erlag.
- Judith Engel, Nordkurier

Up Next


performing as Juno
Berliner Philharmoniker – Kammermusiksaal
Barockorchester capella vitalis berlin
October 20, 2024

Inquiries: Germany

Stefan Piontek, ZAV-Künstlervermittlung Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 228 50208-6013
E-Mail: [email protected]

International Inquiries

[email protected]